30 days left to Mirror Conf !

José Rodrigues
2 min readAug 25, 2016


At Gen we feel extremely proud of our community and we are always looking for opportunities to give back and inspire others in what’s passionate for us and what we do best design and development.

We created Mirror Conf, together with our partners at Subvisual. It’s happening in Braga, Portugal on September 23rd and 24th.

It’s our way of giving back to our community, bringing great professionals under the same roof to share their expertise with designers and developers.

Mirror Conf is a conference designed to empower designers and front-end developers who have a thirst for knowledge and want to broaden their horizons. It aims to create the perfect set to blur the differences between these two worlds and point towards a more collaborative future.

Its real and it’s almost here, time flew over the last few months and now we are only 30 days away, grab your ticket.

Why you will love Mirror Conf

Our speaker lineup is pretty sweet, there are tons of amazing designers and developers attending, making it an amazing opportunity to network and gather new contacts. Braga is awesome and you should consider staying one or two more days. It may feel suspect since we live here but we’re not the only ones saying so, check this review from The Guardian.

Join us

Visit our website at www.mirrorconf.com, read a bit more about the conference, check our amazing speaker lineup, our schedule, and every little detail that will spice up the will to join us.

We are looking forward to meeting you and welcome you in Braga and Mirror Conf. See you on September 23rd and 24th.

If you have any question or doubts feel free to reach us, we are here for you.

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